Weight loss

Friday 27 November 2020

Special flat stomach circuit: 5 exercises for a flat and toned stomach


Your dream of having a flat stomach can come true, provided you have the right cards in hand. Fitnext has selected for you 5 suitable exercises that will allow you to lose your love handles (to be combined with good food hygiene of course). To be sure to put the odds in your favor, our sports coaches have created a special flat stomach circuit from these exercises. It's your turn !

Your flat stomach circuit

Indispensable before training, warming up is a step that should not be neglected. As the name suggests, this step warms you up, that is, increases your body temperature and prepares your muscles for physical exertion. So start by warming up! The ideal: the jumping jack (vertical jump in place, legs and arms spread). It is very suitable for a beginner or for someone who returns to the sport after a while. We recommend that you do 6 times 30 seconds of jumping jacks. Give yourself 15 seconds of recovery between each sequence.

The exercises in the order of execution:

•Face sheathing or Break-Dance


•Left / right oblique sheathing

•Alternating front lunges

•Pumps or knee pumps

•Burpees or half-burpees

Now that you are warmed up, you can start the flat stomach circuit. Follow the order of the list. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, and allow yourself 15 seconds of rest between each exercise. It is important to alternate between intense efforts and recovery phases.

Repeat this circuit 3 to 5 times, (start with 3 times, gradually increase the repetitions of the circuit). Do not hesitate to take 1min30 between each lap of the circuit.

This type of training should be done 2-3 times a week.

The 5 flat stomach exercises in detail.

If you don't know how to execute a movement, don't panic, we will walk you through all the exercises.

1. Gainage and Break-dance for toning

For a flat stomach, you have to bet everything on the obliques and transverses. These are the muscles that allow you to pull in your stomach. And to make them work, nothing better than sheathing. Performing your core exercises well is not complicated, you just need to have the right instructions. Adopting the right posture is essential. To do this, put yourself in a plank position: resting on your tiptoes and elbows. Make sure your hips, shoulders, and head are aligned, and retrovert your pelvis by contracting your buttocks and abs.

Different core exercises are possible. You can continue with oblique sheathing, to the right and to the left.

If the basic core posture ends up feeling too easy and you want to add more difficulty, go for break-dancing. Same starting position as the core, once on the elbows, get up on the hands, then get back on the elbows and so on.

2.Squats for a flat stomach

Contrary to what you might think, the squat isn't just about building the buttocks. This is a complete strength training exercise, great for toning your stomach.

To do your squats properly, stand upright, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, arms straight. Your feet must remain heels on the ground and be on the same line (an asymmetry can lead to an imbalance in the lumbar region, back pain guaranteed!). Inhale, bend your legs, your thighs should be parallel to the ground, your knees should not go beyond the tips of your feet, then come back up by releasing your arms. Keep your back slightly arched, chest forward but without bending over. Your center of gravity must constantly be held back. Repeat this movement, slowing the descent slightly and accelerating the ascent.

It is obviously possible to strengthen your squat exercise, by ending it with a jump for example. The movement ultimately remains the same. Only change: the ascent is done with an effective impetus. These are called jump squats.

3. Front slits for stability

Like squats, this exercise is complete and works many muscles, including the abs, the key to a flat stomach. The advantage is that you will work the postural and stabilizer muscles: they will only improve your figure! Lunges are started while standing, legs shoulder-width apart. Be solid on your supports, put your hands at the top of the hips. The goal is to hold this position while keeping your upper body straight and sheathed. Kick your leg forward as if to take a big step. Make sure your heel stays on the ground. The knee of the other leg brushes against the ground. Change feet at each repetition.

4. Pumps for a toned silhouette

When you do push-ups, your whole body is energized. You work the abdominal strap, and especially the obliques and transverse muscles, the muscles that interest us most in achieving a flat stomach.

Doing a series of push-ups on the floor maybe scares you, or even seems impractical ... No stress, it is quite possible to tame this physical exercise. Start by resting your hands against a chair or a coffee table, the sequences will be easier to perform and you will no longer do your push-ups in a forbidding way. Gradually get closer to the ground, until you finally do your ground push-ups. There is also the alternative of knee pumps. With this technique, you unload part of your weight, the resistance will be less difficult but suddenly the abdominal strap a little less used. So switch gradually to traditional pumps.

Whatever type of push-up you choose, remember to stay aligned, your buttocks should not be too high or too low, but in line with your body. Make sure you go down enough, your chest should get as close to the ground as possible. Stay well sheathed at the abdominal level and do not arch your back.

5. The burpee: ideal for burning fat

You may not be familiar with this exercise, yet it is very effective. The burpee takes a lot of energy, but it boosts your stamina considerably. Repeated enough, it burns fat and strengthens your muscles. Are you seduced?

Start standing with your legs shoulder-width apart (as if you were going to do a squat). Bend your legs (the knees should not go beyond the toes) and bring your hands flat on the floor in front of you. Swing your feet back (you find yourself in the same position as for doing push-ups), you can possibly do a push-up before getting back on your feet with a push-up. You return to your starting position (squat position). Finish with a vertical jump, arms straight above your head. Chain repetitions.

To start off more smoothly, you can opt for the half-burpee. The starting position is the same as for the classic burpee. You then bring your hands back to the ground. What changes in this version: your hands don't leave the ground, you simply bring your feet closer to your hands, the heels stay on the ground, then you push them back still keeping your hands on the ground, and so on.

Obviously, for visible and lasting results, you will need to adopt a specific diet. You will also need to find a regular rhythm and vary the exercises of your flat stomach sessions. Personalized coaching can be the solution to achieve your goal faster and healthily.

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